Does it hurt?
As acupuncture needles are very fine, you are unlikely to feel them being inserted. Once in place, common sensations include a dull aching feeling, warmth, and tingling up or down the limb, although you may feel nothing at all.
How many sessions will I need?
How many appointments you will need, and over what period of time, varies dramatically between patients. After your initial appointment we will be able to give you our estimate. This will be repeatedly reassessed throughout your course of treatment.
Do I need to be ill to have acupuncture?
Not at all! Traditionally, acupuncture was used by many as a form of preventative medicine. Health is not merely the absence of disease. Feeling well is so much more than just not being ill. Good health is a reflection of your attitude to life and your sense of well-being. Keeping healthy in the modern world can be a challenge; this ancient system holds many of the answers. Regular treatments are a powerful way to maintain balance in the body and prevent illness. Many clients opt for ongoing maintenance sessions even after their symptoms have improved to support overall wellness. Acupuncture is particularly effective in preparing the body for seasonal changes. It can help boost the immune system ahead of cold and flu season in the winter, before symptoms start.
Can I have acupuncture if I’m pregnant?
Yes, you can have acupuncture during pregnancy. Many women turn to acupuncture during pregnancy to support their journey and help manage symptoms like morning sickness, nausea, and fatigue. Acupuncture can also be used to naturally encourage the onset of labour. Postpartum, it offers benefits for breastfeeding, urinary issues, and overall well-being, helping new mothers recover and regain balance. Please ensure your practitioner is informed of this to ensure the best outcome for your session.
Before and after treatment
Please wear loose clothing for your appointment so you are comfortable on the treatment couch.
It is advisable to have something to eat prior to an acupuncture session as low blood sugar during treatment may make you feel faint. After treatment you may feel a little more tired and relaxed than usual, this is perfectly normal.